Hello, this is

AutoDelete Bot

Built for Automation

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Deleted Messages This Month


The Autodelete bot is a versatile Discord bot that can help keep your server clean and free of unwanted messages. With Autodelete, you can set up a specific channel, such as a bot commands or music commands channel, to be constantly clean by automatically deleting any messages that are posted in it. You can configure the bot to delete messages anywhere from 1 second to 24 hours after they are posted, giving you complete control over the level of cleanliness you want to maintain.

What can I do?

My Commands:


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Configuration Commands

Free verstion of AutoDelete bot, let's you configure your autodelete channels and purge!

  • /autodelete setup

  • /autodelete remove

  • /autodelete log


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General Commands

Being a bot also comes with providing the little features that users, sometimes, like to use!

  • /ping

  • /stats

  • /translate

  • /reportbug

  • /suggestion

  • /support

  • /help


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Premium Commands

You want an enhanced version of the bot, well this is why premium exists!

  • /premautodelete setup

  • /premautodelete remove

  • /premautodelete log

  • /premautomode

  • /premautoreaction setup

My Servers

Server's I'm In!

Top 6
A few words from my users



It didn't work at first, but we were just skill-issue'd. Dev even came in to help out. W bot and dev:)


Simple to use, clear instructions, and the developer is friendly and quick to respond with support!


Pretty good bot, but it does have its limitations that should have been included in the description above. While it can auto-purge a channel, you can only select a value between every 5 seconds to every 5 minutes. If you want to delete messages more quickly or after a longer wait time (ex: a 24 hour daily purge), this won't work for you. However it could be worth keeping an eye on this since it is in a beta phase. Perhaps at some point in the future it will allow for a wider time range.


Simple, easy to use, useful and the bot does what it's supposed to do, I'm thrilled!

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